Wednesday, 13 May 2009

National Breastfeeding Awareness Week

In celebration of National Breastfeeding Awareness Week I thought I should post about some of the reasons that I am still breastfeeding Henry at 7 months old.

1. The UK government guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, which I followed (not an ounce of formula, I'm proud to say!).

2. It's the best food for him - not only nutritionally, but it also contains antibodies to fight illnesses and stem cells so he can reach his 'full genetic potential'. Hence breastfed babies have a higher IQ at age 6 than formula fed children.

3. It gives him comfort and has helped him to be a secure and  independant baby

4. Even though we have begun weaning, he still gets the majority of his nutrition from his milk

5. It means he is less likely to get stomach upsets, colic and reflux. Babies tummies aren't designed for processed & powdered cows milk.

5. Henry likes it!

6. I love the special bond that it gives me with him. It is a kind of comfort that he can only get from me & it is what makes me feel like his mother.

7. So much emphasis is put on why breastfeeding is best for the baby - but us mums benefit so much from it too. It helps me to get my figure back, it releases happy hormones to make me feel all 'loved up' with Henry and it lowers my risk of breast cancer.

8. It's convenient! No mixing up formula, lugging around bottles or steralising. Can you imagine doing all that in the middle of the night?! I co-sleep when I need to, if he needs feeding I just lift him onto the bed next to me & I can dose off again while he feeds. What a life saver that has been!

9. It connects me with other bf mums - attending support groups in my opinion is a necessity. It gives you a chance to get help with any problems and some of my closest mummy friends I have met through bf support groups.

10. I just love it! I love Henry and I love being able to provide for him. Nature is truely wonderful...