Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Eco-cleaning for lazy people: Removing stains from the sink

We have a stainless steel kitchen sink and as I'm so lazy often it'll go quite a while (too embarrassed to say exactly how long!) without a good clean.  So it starts to turn a bit brown in a way that looks like tea stains, but is probably more gross than that!

Here's a no-fuss way to remove these stains and have your sink looking silvery-new again:
  • Sprinkle a generous covering of either Borax or Bicarbonate of soda over the sink.  I've found Borax works best, but Bicarb also does the job and is easier to get hold of.
  • If the stains are really bad you can leave it for 1/2 an hour, but I've not found this necessary and don't have the patience for it!
  • Take a damp cloth and rub the borax/bicarb over the sink.  Watch in awe as the "tea" stains simply wipe off!
  • Rinse the sink well to remove the borax/bicarb.
  • Wash your hands (or use gloves) as it'll really dry your skin if left on.
  • Stand back and admire your handywork!

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